Wednesday, July 7, 2010

L found my Pepe the Prawn toy, which is still in its clamshell packaging. She's been begging me to open it, insisting over and over, "I will not break it, OK, because I will not break it, because I promise that I will not break it. OK? I want to hold that, OK, because I want to hold it."

It makes me laugh how she'll keep using "because" and "OK" making the sentence go on and on, until you break in with a response. I've found that if I just look interested and engaged, she'll just keep going, and going...

She also comes up with a "because" reason for practically anything she's talking about. Just a bit ago, she wanted me to reach under the couch to pick up a toy, "because if [she] reaches under the couch then [her] arm will get stuck and break." Other "because" justifications abound. I just wish I could think of more right now.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lily woke Kevin up this morning, his birthday, by singing him the "Happy Birthday" song. She did OK -- glad we practiced -- and just needed a little help as she sang. I told her where the presents were hidden, and she grabbed them out of my drawer of "unmentionables" and presented them to Kevin. Two XBOX games, natch. One featured some hellish graphics and Lily advised Kevin he should play that after she goes to bed.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lily got her flower girl dress for Uncle Brian's August 8th wedding today. She instantly wanted to put it on and dance. She requested Josh Groban to dance to, and was kind enough to let me video some of it. After a while, I grew a bit uneasy about her getting the dress dirty, so I told her we could change into another dress and dance in that one.

We went into her room to select another dress, and she said, "Mama, just make sure it's beautiful!" She tried to get me to put my wedding veil on, but I demurred. Then, of course, she wanted to wear it, and I got a little WHOA DON'T GROW UP in that moment. We settled on a dress Jaime loaned us that she loves. So now, she's "singing" along to Josh Groban and snacking on Baked Lays.

It's also gorgeous out. FINALLY.

And Owen is napping.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Today's report from Chelsea's, who graciously babysat Lily for Kevin and me.

Conversation today between Lily (almost 3) and Caius (2.5):
Lily: "Don't worry, Caius. My foot is right here. It's not touching you."
Caius (with finger up his nose): "Boogers."
Just about sums up the male/female stereotypes, eh?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ha! I just put Owen on his stomach, and he promptly turned himself over! First time!
I turn on the movie, "Leap Year" and Lily yells, "HERE COMES THE ROBOTS!"

Friday, May 14, 2010

Owen's first laugh today! I was late with the camera, boo.